Cologne: 20.–23.05.2025 #interzum

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interzum for exhibitors

Beware of fraud attempts!

Currently, fake Koelnmesse invoices are being sent by email and fraudulent calls are being made. The criminals use manipulated phone numbers – including official interzum hotlines – and email addresses that look very similar to the official ones.

Important information:

interzum does not offer any telephone discount promotions.

Check your invoices carefully and do not make any payments on suspicious claims.

Official invoices are sent exclusively by .

Inform us of any suspicious activity.

Become an exhibitor

All information for your application at interzum

Become an exhibitor
How to achieve your perfect trade fair presentation

How to achieve your perfect trade fair presentation

Plan trade fair presence
Booth construction & dismantling

Services for stand constructors

Information for stand constructors
Visitor Management

Establish new business contacts

Information on visitor management