Trend Forum Materials & Nature: Biocircular Materials
Tackling the climate crisis and establishing a functioning circular economy are driving innovation in society and industry. Introducing circular business models is a crucial part of this transformation.
As a result, the furniture production and interior design industry is faced with the challenge of redesigning entire product groups. At the same time, designers and furniture manufacturers need to embrace a new understanding of materiality and assume responsibility for the resources they use. The overriding goal is to establish an economic logic that is in harmony with nature.
At the Trend Forum Materials & Nature, we will be presenting the potential applications for the interior and furniture industry.
Biocircular materials as the drivers of transformation

With the Trend Forum Materials & Nature: Biocircular Materials, interzum is supporting the transformation to a circular furniture production industry.
From plastic-free solutions for upholstered furniture to cement-free binders for solid-surface materials and rapidly growing fibre materials for lightweight construction solutions, biocircular materials not only significantly reduce CO2 emissions – they also help to close product loops and develop new product fields.
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Dr. Sascha Peters
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